[LTP] [PATCH] tst_fill_fs: enhance the filesystem filling routine

Martin Doucha mdoucha@suse.cz
Wed Nov 27 15:29:05 CET 2019

here's something fun which I've discovered while playing with
fallocate05 test on XFS:
- fallocate(x blocks)
- tst_fill_fs()
- write(x blocks) - OK
- write(1 block) - ENOSPC
- fallocate(1 block) - OK
- write(1 block) - OK
- fallocate(1 block) - ENOSPC

Somehow, fallocate() can find another free block on XFS which wasn't
available to write() at first. But then that block becomes write()able.

Martin Doucha   mdoucha@suse.cz
QA Engineer for Software Maintenance
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.
Krizikova 148/34
186 00 Prague 8
Czech Republic

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