[LTP] [PATCH V2] madvise09:Update PAGES to a larger value

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Sep 12 11:41:21 CEST 2019

> Thanks for the quick work on this.
> There are two problems that you probably ignored.
> 1. On ppc64 system, the page size is 64KB, and 970 * 64KB is almost 60MB
> which we do allocate. So we'd better raise
> the limit_in_bytes/memsw.limit_in_bytes a little in cgroup correspondingly.
> 2. As Cascardo points out, madvise09 gets retries in an infinite loop when
> hitting OOM. That's because, in the run() function, it does not limit the
> retry times. We need to take care of this as well.

I guess that the debug printing would go out of hand as well, 970
characters printed into the console is no fun either. The test needs a
bit more than just bumping the number of pages. However as we are
getting really close to release I guess that the best course of action
would be workarounding the issue for now by bumping the number of pages
to something as 128 pages. Then we can rework the test once LTP has been

Cyril Hrubis

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