[LTP] [PATCH] Increase pipe2() coverage.

Yang Xu xuyang2018.jy@cn.fujitsu.com
Wed Apr 8 06:28:00 CEST 2020

Hi Francis

> Hi!
> Thank you for the advice!
> I just have a small question (see below).
>> Le lundi 6 avril 2020, 07:57:02 CEST Yang Xu a écrit :
>> Hi laniel
>> Thanks for you patch, here are some small nits
>> Also, I think we can change a accurate subject, ie
>> "add new test for pipe2 with/without O_NONBLOCK mode"
>>> From: Francis Laniel <laniel_francis@privacyrequired.com>
>>> A new test was added (pipe2_03.c), this test checks the following:
>>> 1. Create a pipe with O_NONBLOCK.
>>> 2. Check that this flag is set.
>>> 3. Check that pipe size is 65536B.
>> 16 * page_size
>>> 4. Reduce pipe size to 4096B.
>> page_size
>>> 5. Write buffer bigger than page size and see that second write fails.
>> we should also check errno num
>>> 6. Set pipe's flags to default.
>>> 7. Check that pipe is still full with select.
>> IMO, we can move this function into child process, so we can check its
>> status(it should be in s status when we write data into full pipe with
>> block mode). And then we can kill it.
> I did not understand what the child should execute?
> If it writes it will block forever and so the father if it waits for its
> child.Parent will kill its child and wait. We have TST_PROCESS_STATE_WAIT to 
check whether child is in block stat.

We have a test case vmsplice04, it is similar to this case, I think you 
can refer to it[1].

>>> ---
>>>    testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/.gitignore |   1 +
>>>    testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/pipe2_03.c | 215 +++++++++++++++++++++
>>>    2 files changed, 216 insertions(+)It miss runtest/syscalls file.
>>>    create mode 100644 testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/pipe2_03.c
>>> diff --git a/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/.gitignore
>>> b/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/.gitignore index cd38bb309..01d980dba
>>> 100644
>>> --- a/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/.gitignore
>>> +++ b/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/.gitignore
>>> @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
>>>    /pipe2_01
>>>    /pipe2_02
>>> +/pipe2_03
>>> diff --git a/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/pipe2_03.c
>>> b/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/pipe2_03.c new file mode 100644
>>> index 000000000..ea225fddc
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/testcases/kernel/syscalls/pipe2/pipe2_03.c
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
>>> +// SPDX-License-Iventifier: GPL-2.0
>> It should use SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later.
>>> +/* Copyright (c) Francis Laniel, 2020
>>>      */
>>> +/***********************************************************************
>>> *******/
>>> +/***********************************************************************
>>> *******/ +/*
>>>               */ +/* File:        pipe2_03.c
>>>                       */ +/*
>>>                               */ +/* Description: This Program tests
>>> getting and setting the pipe size.         */ +/*              It also
>>> tests what happen when you write to a full pipe       */ +/*
>>> depending on whether O_NONBLOCK is or not.                    */ +/*
>>>                                                                        */
>>> +/* Usage:  <for command-line>
>>>       */ +/* pipe2_03 [-c n] [-e][-i n] [-I x] [-p x] [-t]
>>>               */ +/*      where,  -c n : Run n copies concurrently.
>>>                       */ +/*              -e   : Turn on errno logging.
>>>                               */ +/*              -i n : Execute test n
>>> times.                                  */ +/*              -I x :
>>> Execute test for x seconds.                            */ +/*
>>>   -P x : Pause for x seconds between iterations.                */ +/*
>>>           -t   : Turn on syscall timing.                                */
>>> +/*
>> This is old style. I have mentioned that you may see pipe12.c for
>> reference. In this case, option has been hanlded by ltp library, ie -i
>> -t option. So we don't need this info.
>>       */
>>> +/* Total Tests: 1
>>>      */ +/*
>>>              */ +/* Test Name:   pipe2_03
>>>                      */ +/*
>>>                              */ +/* Author:      Francis Laniel
>>>                                      */ +/*
>>>                                              */ +/* History:     Created -
>>> Mar 28 2020 - Francis Laniel                        */
>>> +/***********************************************************************
>>> *******/ +#define _GNU_SOURCE
>>> +#include <stdlib.h>
>>> +#include <features.h>
>>> +#include <fcntl.h>
>> We should use lapi/fcntl.h to avoid undefined error(F_GETPIPE_SZ)  on
>> centos6.
>>> +#include <unistd.h>
>>> +#include <stdio.h>
>>> +#include <assert.h>
>>> +#include <sys/select.h>
>>> +
>>> +#include "tst_test.h"
>>> +
>>> +#define PAGE_NR 16
>>> +#define READ_SIDE 0
>>> +#define WRITE_SIDE 1
>> I guess we can drop READ_SIDE and WRITE_SIDE macro. We all know
>> fd[0] represent read side and fd[1] represent write side.
>>> +#define SECONDS 3
>>> +#define MICROSECONDS 0
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * The two file descriptors of the pipe.
>>> + */
>> the comment is surplus.
>>> +static int fds[2];
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * This variable will contain the system page size after setup.
>>> + */
>> here as well
>>> +static long page_size;
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * Setup everything.
>>> + * This function will:
>>> + * 1. Create the pipe with O_NONBLOCK.
>>> + * 2. Get system page size with sysconf().
>>> + */
>> here as well
>>> +static void setup(void)
>>> +{
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Check that Linux version is greater than 2.6.35 to be able to use
>>> +	 */
>>> +	if (tst_kvercmp(2, 6, 35) < 0)
>>> +		tst_brk(TCONF, "This test can only run on kernels that are 2.6.35 and
>>> higher"); +
>> AFAIK, now linux kernel has reached to 5.7, 2.6.35 is so old that we
>> don't need to compare this. Only ensuring this case can be compile is
>> ok. ltp community has a discussion about minimal supported kernel and
>> glibc version, more info see[1]
>> [1]https://github.com/linux-test-project/ltp/issues/657
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Create the pip with O_NONBLOCK.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	if (pipe2(fds, O_NONBLOCK))
>>> +		tst_brk(TBROK | TERRNO, "pipe2() failed");
>> I guess we can add SAFE_PIPE2 macro for this like SAFE_PIPE.
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Get the system page size.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	page_size = SAFE_SYSCONF(_SC_PAGESIZE);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * Test everything.
>>> + */
>> remove this comment.
>>> +static void test_pipe2(void)
>>> +{
>>> +	int ret;
>>> +
>>> +	long flags;
>>> +	long pipe_size;
>>> +
>>> +	char *buf;
>>> +
>>> +	fd_set set;
>>> +	struct timeval timeout;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Get the flags of the pipe.
>>> +	 */
>> remove...
>>> +	flags = SAFE_FCNTL(fds[0], F_GETFL);
>>> +
>>> +	if (!(flags & O_NONBLOCK))
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL, "O_NONBLOCK flag must be set.");
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Get the size of the pipe.
>>> +	 */
>> remove
>>> +	pipe_size = SAFE_FCNTL(fds[0], F_GETPIPE_SZ);
>>> +
>>> +	if (pipe_size != page_size * PAGE_NR)
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL, "Default pipe page is 16 * 4096 = 65536B.");
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * A pipe has two file descriptors.
>>> +	 * But in the kernel these two file descriptors point to the same pipe.
>>> +	 * So setting size from first file handle set size for the pipe.
>>> +	 *
>>> +	 * Moreover, the size of a pipe is exprimed in page.
>>> +	 * So the minimal size of a pipe is a page size, setting its size to 0
>>> +	 * leads to a pipe whom size is 4096B.
>>> +	 */Remove...
>> We all know if we set a size less than page size, it will round up to a
>> page size not 4096b.
>>> +	SAFE_FCNTL(fds[0], F_SETPIPE_SZ, 0);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * So getting size from the second file descriptor return the size of
>>> +	 * the pipe which was changed before with first file descriptor.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	pipe_size = SAFE_FCNTL(fds[1], F_GETPIPE_SZ);
>>> +
>>> +	if (pipe_size != page_size)
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL, "Pipe size (%ld) must be page size (%ld)",
>>> +			pipe_size, page_size);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Create a buffer of page size.
>>> +	 * We create it in stack because we do not care of its lifetime.
>>> +	 */
>> Remove...
>>> +	buf = alloca(page_size);
>> Maybe we can use tst_alloc function. more info see[2]
>> https://githuber/doc/test-writing-g.com/linux-test-project/ltp/blob/mastuide
>> lines.txt
>>> +
>>> +	SAFE_WRITE(1, fds[WRITE_SIDE], buf, page_size);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * This write should return -1 because pipe is already full.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	if (write(fds[WRITE_SIDE], buf, page_size) != -1)
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL | TERRNO, "write() succeeded and should not");
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Remove the O_NONBLOCK parameter for the pipe.
>>> +	 * After this call write to the pipe will be blocking.
>>> +	 */
>> remove...
>>> +	SAFE_FCNTL(fds[0], F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Get again the flags of the pipe.
>>> +	 */
>> remove...
>>> +	flags = SAFE_FCNTL(fds[0], F_GETFL);
>>> +
>>> +	if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL, "O_NONBLOCK flag must not be set.")
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Empty the set so no garbage value is in it.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	FD_ZERO(&set);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Add the write side of the pipe to the set.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	FD_SET(fds[WRITE_SIDE], &set);
>>> +
>>> +	if (!FD_ISSET(fds[WRITE_SIDE], &set))
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL, "Pipe must be in the set.");
>>> +
>>> +	timeout.tv_sec = SECONDS;
>>> +	timeout.tv_usec = MICROSECONDS;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Since writes are now blocking we use select to check if the pipe is
>>> +	 * available to receive write.
>>> +	 * Wait SECONDS seconds and MICROSECONDS microseconds on write side of
>>> +	 * the pipe.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	ret = select(1, NULL, &set, NULL, &timeout);
>>> +
>>> +	if (ret == -1)
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL | TERRNO, "select() failed");
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * The pipe is still full so select should return after the waiting time
>>> +	 * returning 0 because write side of the pipe is not available because
>>> +	 * it is full.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	if (ret)
>>> +		tst_res(TFAIL, "Pipe is not full.");
>>> +	else
>>> +		tst_res(TPASS, "Pipe is still full.");
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>> + * Clean everything either if test is finished or if something failed.
>>> + */
>>> +static void cleanup(void)
>>> +{
>>> +	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
>>> +		if (fds[i])
>> it should be if (fds[i] > 0)
>>> +			SAFE_CLOSE(fds[i]);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static struct tst_test test = {
>>> +	.test_all = test_pipe2,
>>> +	.setup = setup,
>>> +	.cleanup = cleanup,
>>> +};
>>> \ No newline at end of file

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