[LTP] [PATCH 1/1] Docparse: Escape | in table content

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Dec 16 16:30:58 CET 2020

> BTW I wonder how to fix .test_variants in JSON:
> "test_variants": "ARRAY_SIZE"
> It's in many tests, e.g.  testcases/kernel/syscalls/clock_gettime/clock_gettime02.c.

I guess that we can filter out test_variants for now, I do not think
that it will be useful for the metadata that much.

> Also many arrays should be anonymous, e.g. exe_options (for .options) and
> resource_files (for .resource_files) in testcases/kernel/syscalls/execve/execve05.c.
> I wonder if there can be smarter solution before we fix it.

Well either we teach the C parser about variables, or we move all the
definitions inline. I would just move them since that's easier to do.

> But using inline for .options (and other two dimensional array needs to be fixed
> again in the parser: it now prints array reference: ARRAY(0x563186f58048)
> (for testcases/kernel/syscalls/ioctl/ioctl01.c).

That's a bug in the perl that produces the asciidoc, it's parsed just
fine in the json:

  "ioctl01": {
   "needs_root": "1",
   "needs_tmpdir": "1",
   "options": [
      "-D <tty device> : for example, /dev/tty[0-9]"
   "fname": "testcases/kernel/syscalls/ioctl/ioctl01.c"

> Because this disables reusing things (putting them in the header). But you
> probably prefer it than slower down parsing with preprocessor.
> But we need to state this policy in docs.

Indeed, that should be done.

Cyril Hrubis

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