[LTP] [PATCH v3] Use real FS block size in fallocate05

Martin Doucha mdoucha@suse.cz
Tue Jan 7 16:50:43 CET 2020

On 1/7/20 4:21 PM, Cyril Hrubis wrote:
> Hi!
>> Changes since v1:
>> - Increase test device size to 1GB to avoid unrealistic Btrfs edge cases.
> Do we really need 1GB here? That quadruples the runtime. Aren't we good
> with just 512MB, that would just double it?

I guess that's a question for Btrfs devs, so let's ask them.

We're trying to test fallocate()/write() on various file systems (both
space allocation and deallocation). What's the minimum block device size
where Btrfs will use the same code paths as in real-world use cases?
mkfs.btrfs is called without --mixed.

Martin Doucha   mdoucha@suse.cz
QA Engineer for Software Maintenance
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.
Krizikova 148/34
186 00 Prague 8
Czech Republic

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