[LTP] [PATCH v2] Fix prctl02

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Fri Jan 24 13:48:47 CET 2020

> > The prctl() system call takes 5 integer arguments but only 3 of them were
> > passed in the test. This means that the system call read random garbage
> > from stack in place of the two missing arguments and failed even on some
> > perfectly valid combinations of arguments on some platforms.
> > 
> > - Change num_invalid to ULONG_MAX
> > - Fix arguments in test case 9, 13 and 14
> > - Fix test call of prctl() to have all 5 arguments
> looks prctl manpages and kernel code, you are right, Thanks for the fix!
> Feel free to add??
> Reviewed-by: xuyang_jy_0410@163.com
> Tested-by: xuyang_jy_0410@163.com
> Also, do we should use 5 arguments for other prctl test cases?

It depends on the option argument, the PR_CAP_AMBIENT explicitely states
that arg4 and arg5 must be set to 0 as well as the

Some of the options explicitely say that some arguments are ignored.

And some, including PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS does not say anyting.

Cyril Hrubis

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