[LTP] [PATCH v2 1/1] ioctl, pty Add: fallback definition of struct termio

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Wed Jan 29 19:15:03 CET 2020


> > Thanks! I wonder if I should move new LTP_CHECK_TERMIO function from newly
> > created ltp-termio.m4 into already existing ltp-ioctl.m4. If we want to bother.

> > BTW we might want do consider moving simple uses of AC_CHECK_TYPES (e.g.
> > ltp-quota.m4) or AC_CHECK_MEMBERS (e.g. ltp-signal.m4, ltp-perf_event.m4)
> > into configure.ac, similarly we did for AC_CHECK_HEADERS and AC_CHECK_FUNCS
> > (to cut number of files in m4/, which just contain single line).
> > But maybe this way it's easier to track why check was done.

> I would say that either way is fine, but if you prefer having the simple
> ones in configure.ac then go for it.
OK, I kept it as it is and I'll prepare some autotools cleanup patch.
Thanks for your review.

Kind regards,

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