[LTP] [PATCH] runltp: let each test acquire/release device

Jan Stancek jstancek@redhat.com
Thu Jul 9 09:49:36 CEST 2020

Problem with runltp creating and using single loop device for all tests
is that if one test fails/gets stuck or fails to umount loop device
for any reason, then all subsequent tests also fail, because
they try to use mounted device.

Don't force same loop device on all tests (unless it is chosen via
env. variable DEVICE) and let LTP library try to acquire and release
first usable loop device for each test.

Fixes #703
Signed-off-by: Jan Stancek <jstancek@redhat.com>
 runltp | 12 +-----------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runltp b/runltp
index ec0811834862..94e290d6dbb9 100755
--- a/runltp
+++ b/runltp
@@ -963,17 +963,7 @@ create_block()
-    if [ -z "$DEVICE" ]; then
-        create_block
-        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-            echo "no block device was specified on commandline."
-            echo "Block device could not be created using loopback device"
-            echo "Tests which require block device are disabled."
-            echo "You can specify it with option -b"
-	else
-            export LTP_DEV=$DEVICE
-        fi
-    else
+    if [ -n "$DEVICE" ]; then
         export LTP_DEV=$DEVICE

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