[LTP] [PATCH v2 4/7] net: Update README.md

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Fri Jul 10 19:20:41 CEST 2020

to previous commits (dropped rsh based testing and rsh, rcp, rlogin

* drop rlogin, rsh, rexec setup
* rewrite ftp & telnet setup
* remove suggestion to run tests for 24 hrs (we lowered values in the
  variables for stress testing in 52857efb7)
* mention testcases/network/stress/README
* update package names
* fix formatting

Signed-off-by: Petr Vorel <pvorel@suse.cz>
 testcases/network/README.md | 96 ++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testcases/network/README.md b/testcases/network/README.md
index 3a9c98125..1c19a2c15 100644
--- a/testcases/network/README.md
+++ b/testcases/network/README.md
@@ -1,91 +1,67 @@
 # LTP Network Tests
-## Pre-requisites
-Enable all the networking services on test machine(s): rshd, nfsd, fingerd.
 ## Single Host Configuration
-It is a default configuration ('RHOST' is not defined). LTP adds 'ltp_ns'
-network namespace and auto-configure 'veth' pair according to LTP network
-environment variables.
+It is the default configuration (if the `RHOST` environment variable is not
+defined). LTP adds `ltp_ns` network namespace and auto-configure `veth` pair
+according to LTP network environment variables.
 ## Two Host Configuration
-This setup requires 'RHOST' environment variable to be set properly and
-configured SSH or RSH (default) access to a remote host.
-The 'RHOST' variable name must be set to the hostname of the server
-(test management link) and PASSWD should be set to the root password
-of the remote server.
-In order to have RSH access:
-* Edit the "/root/.rhosts" file. Please note that the file may not exist,
-so you must create one if it does not. You must add the fully qualified
-hostname of the machine you are testing on to this file. By adding the test
-machine's hostname to this file, you will be allowing the machine to rsh to itself,
-as root, without the requirement of a password.
-echo $client_hostname >> /root/.rhosts
-You may need to re-label '.rhost' file to make sure rlogind will have access to it:
-/sbin/restorecon -v /root/.rhosts
+This setup requires the `RHOST` environment variable to be set properly and
+configured SSH access to a remote host.
-* Add rlogin, rsh, rexec into /etc/securetty file:
+The `RHOST` variable must be set to the hostname of the server (test management
+link) and public key setup or login without password is required.
-for i in rlogin rsh rexec; do echo $i >> /etc/securetty; done
+Some of the network stress tests which hasn't been ported to network API were
+designed to be tested with `rsh` via `LTP_RSH` environment variable. Now it's
+by default used `ssh`, for details see `testcases/network/stress/README`.
 ## Server Services Configuration
 Verify that the below daemon services are running. If not, please install
 and start them:
-rsh-server, telnet-server, finger-server, rdist, rsync, dhcp-server, http-server.
+dhcp-server, dnsmasq, http-server, nfs-kernel-server, rpcbind, rsync,
+telnet-server, vsftpd
 Note: If any of the above daemon is not running on server, the test related to
 that service running from client will fail.
-### FTP setup
-* In “/etc/ftpusers” [or vi /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers], comment the line containing
-“root” string. This file lists all those users who are not given access to do ftp
+### FTP and telnet setup
+Both tests require environment variables `RHOST` (remote machine), `RUSER`
+(remote user) and `PASSWD` (remote password). NOTE: `RHOST` will imply two host
+configuratioe for other tests.
+If `RHOST` is set to `root`, either of these steps is required:
+* In `/etc/ftpusers` (or `/etc/vsftpd.ftpusers`), comment the line containing
+"root" string. This file lists all those users who are not given access to do ftp
 on the current system.
-* If you don’t want to do the previous step, put following entry into /root/.netrc
-machine <remote_server_name> login root password <remote_root_password>.
-Otherwise, ftp,rlogin & telnet fails for ‘root’ user & hence needs to be
-executed using ‘test’ user to get successful results.
+* If you don’t want to do the previous step, put following entry into `/root/.netrc`:
+machine <remote_server_name>
+login root
+password <remote_root_password>
 ## LTP setup
-Install LTP testsuite. In case of two hosts configuration, make sure LTP is installed
-on both client and server machines.
-Testcases and network tools must be in PATH, e.g.:
+Install LTP testsuite. In case of two hosts configuration, LTP needs to be installed
+and `LTPROOT` and `PATH` environment variables set on both client and server
+machines (assuming using the default prefix `/opt/ltp`):
-export PATH=/opt/ltp/testcases/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
+export LTPROOT="/opt/ltp"; export PATH="$LTPROOT/testcases/bin:$PATH"
-Default values for all LTP network variables are set in testcases/lib/tst_net.sh.
-If you need to override some parameters please export them before test run or
-specify them when running ltp-pan or testscripts/network.sh.
+Default values for all LTP network parameters are set in `testcases/lib/tst_net.sh`.
+Network stress parameters are documented in `testcases/network/stress/README`.
 ## Running the tests
-To run the test type the following:
 TEST_VARS ./network.sh OPTIONS
-* TEST_VARS - non-default network parameters (see testcases/lib/tst_net.sh), they
-  could be exported before test run;
-* OPTIONS - test group(s), use '-h' to see available ones.
-## Analyzing the results
-Generally this test must be run more than 24 hours. When you want to stop the test
-press CTRL+C to stop ./network.sh.
-Search failed tests in LTP logfile using grep FAIL <logfile>. For any failures,
-run the individual tests and then try to come to the conclusion.
+* `TEST_VARS` - non-default network parameters
+* `OPTIONS` - test group(s), use `-h` to see available ones.

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