[LTP] [PATCH 1/3] lib: add function to check for kernel lockdown

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Jul 22 17:58:08 CEST 2020

> > So maybe we could simply do detect the /sys/kernel/../loackdown file as
> > your patch,
> > but adding an extra warning print when test failed on older than
> > kernel-v5.4.
> I like the idea of the warning. The only thing to consider is that the
> warning would also show up on all old kernels that don't even support
> lockdown and then don't have the file. So would you suggest this message
> to be something like a tst_res(TWARN, ...) or TINFO or some other less
> noisy way?

TWARN will cause the test to exit with non-zero status, which will
probably show up as a failure in some environments, so I would go for

> I also thought about limiting to some kernel version but that wouldn't
> work with distribution kernels like RHEL which have an earlier version
> number but also have the feature...

We also have an interface to match different kernel versions per
distribution, have a look at tst_kern_exv structure in inotify04.c

Cyril Hrubis

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