[LTP] [PATCH v2 1/4] INSTALL: Update requirements

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Fri May 15 08:22:21 CEST 2020

Hi Li,

thanks for your review!

> As we know most distributions provide the requirements packages already,
> so I'm thinking if we can replace the download link only by installing
> commands, that will make people easily prepare their test environment.

> Which something maybe likes:
> --------------------------------------

> +       #### Debian/Ubuntu
> +       ```
> +       sudo apt-get install make
> +       sudo apt-get install pkgconf
> +       sudo apt-get install autoconf
> +       sudo apt-get install automake
> +       sudo apt-get install byacc
> +       sudo apt-get install flex
> +       sudo apt-get install m4
> +       ```
Maybe this:

Debian / Ubuntu
# apt install gcc make pkgconf autoconf automake bison flex m4 linux-headers-$(uname -r) libc6-dev

# zypper install gcc make pkgconf autoconf automake bison flex m4 linux-glibc-devel glibc-devel

Fedora / CentOS / RHEL
# yum install gcc make pkgconf autoconf automake bison flex m4 kernel-headers glibc-headers

I'd prefer it in simple form (single line) + I thought bison is more common than
byacc (but maybe I'm wrong). I'm not a big fan of sudo (but can add it there).
+ Added headers and gcc. But on the other hand I wanted to have package reference in
travis/*.sh (where are missing some packages which are installed by default with
gcc, e.g. , but it does not harm to have it offline.

Should I remove links to the tools? And we obviously don't list a compiler.

> +
> +       #### OpenSUSE
> +       ```
> +       sudo zypper install make
> +       sudo zypper install pkgconf
> +       sudo zypper install autoconf
> +       sudo zypper install automake
> +       sudo zypper install byacc
> +       sudo zypper install flex
> +       sudo zypper install m4
> +       ```
> +       #### Fedora/CentOS/RHEL
> +       ```
> +       sudo yum install make
> +       sudo yum install pkgconf
> +       sudo yum install autoconf
> +       sudo yum install automake
> +       sudo yum install byacc
> +       sudo yum install flex
> +       sudo yum install m4
> +       ```

> Anyway, this is a good update for documents, I hope these could be involved
> in the newly released.
> [CC Cyril to notice this]
Yep, that was the intention of this late evening patches :).

Kind regards,

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