[LTP] [PATCH] acct02: make explicit kernel config requirement

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Nov 19 14:02:21 CET 2020

> from the help text it says:
> "If you say Y here, the process accounting information is written in a
> new file format that also logs the process IDs of each process and its
> parent. Note that this file format is incompatible with previous
> v0/v1/v2 file formats, so you will need updated tools for processing
> it."
> I am not sure if this test can work with a kernel that just has

Ah, that's right, the CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT has to be on and the *_V3
is enabled if the format is V3.

So everything is fine and sorry for breaking the test with buggy
validation code.

Cyril Hrubis

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