[LTP] [PATCH v2 12/16] syscalls/sched_setscheduler01: convert to new API

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Mon Aug 9 14:19:01 CEST 2021

> + * [Algorithm]
>   *
> - * USAGE:  <for command-line>
> - *  sched_setscheduler01 [-c n] [-e] [-i n] [-I x] [-P x] [-t]
> - *     where,  -c n : Run n copies concurrently.
> - *             -e   : Turn on errno logging.
> - *             -i n : Execute test n times.
> - *             -I x : Execute test for x seconds.
> - *             -P x : Pause for x seconds between iterations.
> - *             -t   : Turn on syscall timing.
> - *
> - *	07/2001 Ported by Wayne Boyer
> - *
> - *	None
> + * 1. Call sched_setscheduler with an invalid pid, and expect
> + * ESRCH to be returned.
> + * 2. Call sched_setscheduler with an invalid scheduling policy,
> + * and expect EINVAL to be returned.
> + * 3. Call sched_setscheduler with an invalid "param" address,
> + * which lies outside the address space of the process, and expect
> + * EFAULT to be returned.
> + * 4.Call sched_setscheduler with an invalid priority value
> + * in "param" and expect EINVAL to be returned
>   */

Can we have this reformatted so that it renders as a nice list in
asciidoc as well?

Other than this:

Reviewed-by: Cyril Hrubis <chrubis@suse.cz>

Cyril Hrubis

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