[LTP] [PATCH 2/7] epoll_ctl: Add docparse formatting and cleanup for epoll_ctl02

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Aug 24 17:24:49 CEST 2021

Pushed with a minor change to the documentation comment, thanks.

> +/*\
> + * [Description]
>   *
> + * Verify that,
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with EBADF if epfd is an invalid fd.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with EBADF if fd is an invalid fd.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with EINVAL if op is not supported.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with EINVAL if fd is the same as epfd.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with EINVAL if events is NULL.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with ENOENT if fd is not registered with EPOLL_CTL_DEL.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with ENOENT if fd is not registered with EPOLL_CTL_MOD.
> + * - epoll_ctl fails with EEXIST if fd is already registered with EPOLL_CTL_ADD.

There is no reason to repeat the 'epoll_ctl fails with' so I've moved it
to the "Verify that," part and also there has to be empty line after the
"Verify that..." so that the list renders as a list in asciidoc.

Cyril Hrubis

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