[LTP] [PATCH] uapi: Make __{u, s}64 match {u, }int64_t in userspace

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Dec 8 16:33:47 CET 2021

> > I could be persuaded otherwise with an example of a program for which
> > changing __s64 from 'long long' to 'long' would break *binary* backward
> > compatibility, or similarly for __u64.
> C++ could break.

Thinking of this again we can detect C++ as well so it can be safely
enabled just for C with:

#if !defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(__cplusplus) && __BITSPERLONG == 64
# include <asm-generic/int-l64.h>
# include <asm-generic/int-ll64.h>

Cyril Hrubis

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