[LTP] [PATCH 1/1] tst_net.sh: Declare prefix variable as empty

Joerg Vehlow lkml@jv-coder.de
Mon Jul 12 07:57:07 CEST 2021


On 7/12/2021 7:49 AM, Petr Vorel wrote:
> Thanks for a review!
> It's a bit strange to add '=' only single variable, maybe I should have rename
> the variable.
> Paranoid approach would be to add '=' to any variable which is assigned only on
> some circumstance or even any variable which is not assigned to any value.
> But we probably don't want to do it.
I think good common practice would be to add it to all variables, where 
it matters.
There are probably only very few places, where a local variable is not 
assigned before being accessed.
Maybe there is some kind of shell code linter, that can find 
uninitialized variables?
A good linter could also find variables, that should be local, but are 
not. But I have never looked into shell code linting.

In fs_bind_lib.sh, OPTIND in fs_bind_check probably also requires 
setting to empty, or better 0.
But maybe dash's implementation of getopts does not require it. I only 
had to add local OPTIND for busybox sh iirc...

Yet another case of: Shellcode is unpredictable :)


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