[LTP] [PATCH v2] syscalls/mallinfo2_01: Add a basic test for mallinfo2 when setting 2G size

Joerg Vehlow lkml@jv-coder.de
Wed Jun 16 11:16:28 CEST 2021


On 6/16/2021 9:03 AM, Petr Vorel wrote:
> BTW Cyril also suggested recently to drop out of tree support, because build
> system dependencies are broken and fixing it would be much easier when
> supporting only in tree build.
Really? I got the feeling out-of-tree builds are becoming the new normal 
and even complex pieces of software like the kernel, glibc and gcc are 
able to be built out-of-tree or even enforce it.
Maybe it is time to abandon autoconf/automake and switch to a better 
build configuration systems like cmake instead of abandoning out-of-tree 


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