[LTP] [PATCH 0/3 v2] Cleanup and bugfix for getrusage03

Xie Ziyao xieziyao@huawei.com
Thu Jun 17 12:55:53 CEST 2021

1. Cleanup and add tst_process_exit_wait() for tst_process_state.
2. Cleanup and bugfix for getrusage03.

Xie Ziyao (3):
  lib: tst_process_state: Use SPDX and format alignment
  lib: tst_process_state: Add tst_process_exit_wait()
  getrusage: Cleanup and bugfix for getrusage03

 include/tst_process_state.h                   |  35 +-
 lib/tst_process_state.c                       |  52 +--
 .../kernel/syscalls/getrusage/getrusage03.c   | 398 +++++-------------
 .../kernel/syscalls/getrusage/getrusage03.h   |  33 ++
 .../syscalls/getrusage/getrusage03_child.c    | 196 +++------
 5 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 472 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 testcases/kernel/syscalls/getrusage/getrusage03.h


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