[LTP] [PATCH 0/8] Fix uninitialized var errors

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Jun 22 15:54:29 CEST 2021

> In a lot of cases the compiler is simply confused and gives an error,
> but there is no undefined behaviour. This is often caused by tst_brk
> which is the source of much confusion. Most likely there should be two
> versions of tst_brk. One which never returns and is used by test
> authors and one which can return, but is usually only used in library
> functions which may be called from cleanup.

Having two tst_brk() wouldn't solve much since all SAFE_MACROS() still
needs to use the one that may return.

So as far as I can tell it's easier to initialize variables to 0 in the
few cases where compiler ends up confused.

Anyways whole patchset pushed, thanks.

Cyril Hrubis

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