[LTP] [PATCH v2 0/4] syscalls/msgstress: fixes for small systems

Krzysztof Kozlowski krzysztof.kozlowski@canonical.com
Wed Jun 23 15:55:17 CEST 2021


Changes since v1:
1. Move the code reading cgroups session limit to lib/tst_pid.c to
   existing tst_get_free_pids_().
2. Allow reading session limits from cgroups v2.
3. Add patch 1/4 - typo fix.
4. Add patch 4/4 with the buffer/reserve of pids.

Best regards,

Krzysztof Kozlowski (4):
  include/tst_pid.h: fix language typo (subtraction)
  syscalls/msgstress04: fix fork failure on small memory systems
  syscalls/msgstress03: fix fork failure on small memory systems
  syscalls/msgstress: tune limit of processes for small machines

 include/tst_pid.h                             |  6 +-
 lib/tst_pid.c                                 | 81 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../syscalls/ipc/msgstress/msgstress03.c      | 15 +++-
 3 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


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