[LTP] [PATCH] syscalls/statx04: use stx_attributes_mask before test

xuyang2018.jy@fujitsu.com xuyang2018.jy@fujitsu.com
Wed May 26 06:00:09 CEST 2021

Hi Cyril
> Hi!
>>> stx_attributes_mask shows what's supported in stx_attributes.
>>> Set supp_{append,compr,immutable,nodump} attributes only on filesystems
>>> which actually support it.
>>> Also merge duplicate code.
>>> ---------------
>>> v2->v3:
>>> 1.add kernel version check for stx_attributes_mask
>>> 2. use test_flag(int) instead of test_flagged and test_unflagged
>>> ---------------
>>> Signed-off-by: Yang Xu<xuyang2018.jy@cn.fujitsu.com>
>>> Reviewed-by: Petr Vorel<pvorel@suse.cz>
>> Reviewed-by: Li Wang<liwang@redhat.com>
>> This patch makes sense to me, I'm not sure if any blocker issue for
>> holding the apply process. If _no_ I would help to merge it:).
> See:
> https://github.com/linux-test-project/ltp/issues/557
> Basically this change hides a kernel bug.
I don't think it is a kernel bug and it is only an non-supported feature 
before linux 5.1 when not using ext4 driver for ext2.

> I've proposed to create a
> separate test for kernel that makes sure that all flags that are
> supposed to be enabled are enabled for new enough kernels, then we can
> apply this patch.
But not all fs support all flags, like xfs it doesn't support 


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