[LTP] [PATCH v4 1/3] lib: adding .supported_archs field in tst_test structure

Richard Palethorpe rpalethorpe@suse.de
Tue Nov 16 11:30:29 CET 2021

Hello Li,

Li Wang <liwang@redhat.com> writes:

>  > +#ifndef TST_ARCH_H__
>  > +#define TST_ARCH_H__
>  > +
>  > +enum tst_arch_type {
>  > +     TST_UNKNOWN,
>  > +     TST_I386,
>  I would still probably name this TST_X86, Linux does not support i386
>  anymore, the remaining 32bit distributions usually require at least i586
>  or i686...
> Sure, If go with that TST_X86, we just need to do modifications based on
> V4 like below, right? What else am I missing here?

Cyril made another comment about static keyword usage on patch 2. Could
you please roll a V5?

Thank you,

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