[LTP] [PATCH v1 1/3] syscalls/dup202: Also check mode whethter change when calling chmod after dup2

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Oct 7 14:53:17 CEST 2021

>   * Test whether the access mode are the same for both file descriptors.
> + * Style: creat mode, dup2, [change mode], check mode
>   *
> - * - 0: read only ? "0444"
> - * - 1: write only ? "0222"
> - * - 2: read/write ? "0666"
> + * - 0: read only, dup2, null, read only ? "0444"
> + * - 1: write only, dup2, null, write only ? "0222"
> + * - 2: read/write, dup2, null, read/write ? "0666"
> + * - 3: read/write/execute, dup2, read only, read only ? "0444"
> + * - 4: read/write/execute, dup2, write only, write only ? "0222"
> + * - 5: read/write/execute, dup2, read/write, read/write ? "0666"
>   */

I've changed this description slightly so that it renders nicely in
asciidoc and pushed, thanks.

Cyril Hrubis

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