[LTP] [PATCH v1 11/11] syscalls/quotactl09: Test error when quota info hidden in filesystem

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Oct 26 16:41:36 CEST 2021

Generally looks good, same minor comments as for the rest of the
patchset apply here as well:

- for the description comment
- no need to include "lapi/quotactl.h"
- there are some trailing whitespaces (have you run make check before submitting?)
- does geteuid() in setup return anything else than 0?

Also I wonder if we should include the fmtv0 in the variant list, but as
far as I can tell it only matters for the tests that attempt to set the
limits, right?

I guess that we can define the test variants as:

static struct quotactl_variant {
	int use_fd;
	int32_t fmt_id;
	const char *fmt_name;
} variants[] = {
	{.use_fd = 0, .fmt_id = QFMT_VFS_V1, .fmt_name = "fmtv1"},
	{.use_fd = 1, .fmt_id = QFMT_VFS_V1, .fmt_name = "fmtv1"},
	{.use_fd = 0, .fmt_id = QFMT_VFS_V0, .fmt_name = "fmtv0"},
	{.use_fd = 1, .fmt_id = QFMT_VFS_V0, .fmt_name = "fmtv0"},

And then set .variants = 2 for all the tests that does not touch the
limits and for these tests that manipulate the limits set .variants = 4

Cyril Hrubis

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