[LTP] LTP release planning

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Sep 8 14:04:39 CEST 2021

Since september has started already we should start preparing for next
LTP release. Lately we tend to release at the end of the month, which
still leaves us plenty of time for the preparations.

Looking at the calendar we should start the git freeze at the end of the
next week on Friday 17.09. That would give us a bit less than two weeks
for pre-release testing and then we can finalize the release at 29.09.
or 30.09. If this schedulle does not work for you, let me know.

If there are no complaints I will continue to review patches until the
end of the next week, especially the ones that have been hanging in the
queue for a while.

And lastly but not least if you have some patches that should be
included in the release please make me know ASAP so that we have a
chance of getting them in.

Cyril Hrubis

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