[LTP] [PATCH 1/1] lib: Rename array used for .all_filesystems flag

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Feb 8 16:08:59 CET 2022

> > I guess that fs_type_whitelist[] may be confusing but all_filesystems[]
> > is IMHO not that much better since we use that a as base for the
> > all_filesystem before we filter out these that are not supported. Maybe
> > we should call it try_filesystems[] instead?
> Well, how I understand it the main feature is to be for .all_filesystems. And
> items of this array can be whitelisted. Thus try_filesystems does not evoke much
> to me that it's for all_filesystems.
> I considered to have array all_filesystems[] and .fs_type_whitelist pointer to
> that array, but having pointer just to document things is bad idea.

The reason why I do not think it's reasonable to name the array
all_filesystems is that setting the .all_filesystems flag does not mean
that the test would be run over all these filesytems. We just silently
skip these that are not supported...

Cyril Hrubis

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