[LTP] [PATCH v4 5/6] syscalls/quotactl09: Test error when quota info hidden in filesystem

xuyang2018.jy@fujitsu.com xuyang2018.jy@fujitsu.com
Wed Jan 12 10:24:04 CET 2022

Hi Cyril
> Hi!
>>> Ah, that's what I have missed. But still, what happen if we pass fd to a
>>> regular file to the quotactl_fd()? Shouldn't we test that case too?
>> Good suggestion.
>> Yes, AFAIK, the fd point to superblock, every subcmd will check quota
>> feature bit or whether enable but return different errno.
>> I will test Q_QUOTAON with regular file fd because it is the most
>> meaningful.
> And we can always try to pass a fd pointing to a socket, that shouldn't
> be associated with any block device at all.
Yes, my old way use external fd deponds on tmp environmet(ie use 
xfs,ext4 with quota or with quota feature) and it make test unstable.

If using socket fd, it should report ENOSYS.

Best Regards
Yang Xu

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