[LTP] [PATCH 1/1] aiodio: Skip tests on tmpfs

Andrea Cervesato andrea.cervesato@suse.com
Fri Jan 21 12:12:23 CET 2022


On 1/21/22 11:16, Petr Vorel wrote:
> Hi all,
> [Cc Li ]
>> tmpfs does not support it.
> Verifying with .all_filesystems, that only tmpfs is problematic
> - tested on exfat, ntfs over FUSE, vfat (common linux filesystems obviously work)
> That's why I avoided opening file with O_DIRECT in setup().
> BTW I wonder what is the reason of duplicate entries in ltp-aiodio.part4?
> i.e. dio_sparse, aiodio_append, dio_append, dio_truncate...
> To create bigger load?

To duplicate entries in ltp-aiodio.part4 doesn't make much sense and I 
perfectly agree with you. Once the aiodio testing suite is finished, we 
do need to change runtest file in order to have multiple scenarios with 
different files/buffers size with a different number of sub-processes.

> IMHO it'd make sense to run at least one test on .all_filesystems to check more
> filesystems (dio_append seems to be quick), but I wouldn't done it when there
> are duplicate entries.
> Kind regards,
> Petr
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