[LTP] [PATCH v3] uapi: Make __{u, s}64 match {u, }int64_t in userspace

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Jun 21 16:15:04 CEST 2022

> > This changes the __u64 and __s64 in userspace on 64bit platforms from
> > long long (unsigned) int to just long (unsigned) int in order to match
> > the uint64_t and int64_t size in userspace for C code.
> > 
> > We cannot make the change for C++ since that would be non-backwards
> > compatible change and may cause possible regressions and even
> > compilation failures, e.g. overloaded function may no longer find a
> > correct match.
> Isn't is enough just to mention C++ name mangling?

I just picked up the argument that was brought up in the discussion
about the v1 patch and used it as a concrete example. Mangling is I
guess more straightforward example of a breakage. I can change the
description if there is consensus that such description would be better.

Cyril Hrubis

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