[LTP] [PATCH] Fix the statistical number of results in the html

wangkaiyuan wangkaiyuan@inspur.com
Tue Jun 28 07:41:07 CEST 2022

The original statistical method policy expression "/\ TFAIL\ /" in
the original genhtml.pl for the test result type cannot match the 
"TFAIL:" in the normal test result, causing problems in the calculation
result. At the same time, the statistical method in genhtml.pl cannot
guarantee that each test item has only one test result, because the
output of a test item may include TFAIL, TCONF, and TPASS at the same time.

Signed-off-by: wangkaiyuan <wangkaiyuan@inspur.com>
Reviewed-by: Cyril Hrubis <chrubis@suse.cz>
 tools/genhtml.pl | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/genhtml.pl b/tools/genhtml.pl
index 7e9bdd471..5f6016c47 100644
--- a/tools/genhtml.pl
+++ b/tools/genhtml.pl
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ my $retr_test_counter       = 0;
 my $retr_test_counter_flag  = 0;
 my $conf_test_counter       = 0;
 my $conf_test_counter_flag  = 0;
+my $test_passed             = 0;
 my $detected_fail = 0;
 my $detected_pass = 0;
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
 		if ($line =~ /$end_tag/) {
                         print "$row_line";
 			$process_line  = 0;
-                        $flag  = 0;             $flag2 = 0;            $flag3 = 0;            $flag4 = 0;
+                        $flag  = 0;             $flag2 = 0;            $flag3 = 0;            $flag4 = 0;            $flag5 = 0;
                         $detected_fail = 0;     $detected_pass = 0;    $detected_warn = 0;    $detected_brok = 0;    $detected_retr = 0;    $detected_conf = 0;
                         $background_colour = 0; $failed_test_counter_flag = 0; $brok_test_counter_flag = 0; $warn_test_counter_flag = 0; $retr_test_counter_flag = 0; $conf_test_counter_flag = 0;  $row_line= "";
@@ -175,38 +176,30 @@ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
                              $flag2 = 0;
                              $flag3 = 1;
                              $flag4 = 1;
+                             $flag5 = 1;
                              $row_line = $row_line . "</strong></pre></td>";
                         if ( $flag2 == 1 ) {
 			    $row_line = $row_line . "$line \n";
-			    if ($line =~ /\ TFAIL\ / ) {
-				$detected_fail = 1;
-				if ( $failed_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
-				    $failed_test_counter++;
-				    $failed_test_counter_flag=1;
-				}
-			    } elsif ($line =~ /\ TBROK\ / ) {
-				$detected_brok = 1;
-				if ( $brok_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
-				    $brok_test_counter++;
-				    $brok_test_counter_flag=1;
-				}
-			    } elsif ($line =~ /\ TWARN\ / ) {
-				$detected_warn = 1;
-				if ( $warn_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
-				    $warn_test_counter++;
-				    $warn_test_counter_flag=1;
-				}
-			    } elsif ($line =~ /\ TCONF\ / ) {
-				$detected_conf = 1;
-				if ( $conf_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
-				    $conf_test_counter++;
-				    $conf_test_counter_flag=1;
-				}
-                             } else {
-                                 $detected_pass = 1;
-                             }
+			 if ( $flag5 == 1 ) {
+			 	 if ($line =~  "termination_id=1" ) {
+					 $detected_fail = 1;
+					 $failed_test_counter++;
+				 } elsif ($line =~ "termination_id=2" ) {
+					 $detected_brok = 1;
+					 $brok_test_counter++;
+				 } elsif ($line =~ "termination_id=4" ) {
+					 $detected_warn = 1;
+					 $warn_test_counter++;
+				 } elsif ($line =~ "termination_id=32" ) {
+					 $detected_conf = 1;
+					 $conf_test_counter++;
+				 } elsif ($line =~ "termination_id=0" ) {
+					 $detected_pass = 1;
+					 $test_passed++;
+				 }
+			 }
                         if ( $line =~ /$output_tag/ ) {
                              $flag2 = 1;
                              $row_line = $row_line . "<td><pre><strong>";

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