[LTP] LTP Test Case mapping based on Changelog

Li Wang liwang@redhat.com
Mon Jun 19 11:48:32 CEST 2023

Hi Mahesh,

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:58 PM Mahesh Kumar G via ltp <ltp@lists.linux.it>

> Hi!
> Greetings!!
> We want to check the changelog of a particular Linux build and identify
> the files, which are modified and test only those modified areas using our
> LTP suite.
> The pain point here is, after identifying the changed files from the
> changelog/commit details that went into the build, how do we map it to a
> particular LTP test case or test suite.

My two cents:

The simple method is to identify the change code belonging
to which subcomponent, e.g. mm, you can use the LTP/mm
to cover the Linux build.

In LTP runtest/ directory, there are many task file mapping Linux
kernel relates module, but it doesn't 100% precise, for example,
ltp/runtest/syscalls include kinds of syscall's tests, it is hard to say
which kernel subcomponents it covers, but fortunately, LTP supports
creating a customized taskfile, which means people can reorder
them in a new specified file to cover some kernel-module changes
they wanted.

These highly depend on how people do the testing triage work.

> Do you know how to achieve this?

> P.S – We are aware of the kpet project and wanted to know if there’s
> something similar for LTP testcases.
> Thanks,
> Mahesh Kumar G
> --
> Mailing list info: https://lists.linux.it/listinfo/ltp

Li Wang

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