[LTP] [RFC PATCH] Add simple Alpine container

Marius Kittler mkittler@suse.de
Tue Sep 26 12:51:12 CEST 2023

Am Dienstag, 26. September 2023, 11:01:01 CEST schrieb Richard Palethorpe via 
> Can be built with `docker/podman build .`. Then run with `podman -it
> run sh`. It contains Kirk in /opt/kirk. So `cd /opt/kirk && ./kirk -f
> ltp --run-suite syscalls` will run some tests.
> ---
> Hello,
> This builds and installs the LTP and Kirk inside an Alpine
> container. The idea is to use a standard container workflow to build
> and run the LTP from source. This helps with testing LTP itself and
> running tests inside a container.
> I'd like to add some container files to upstream to help with various
> workflows.
> The container has a number of problems:
> 1. If the Git directory has build artifacts in it, these are copied
>    into the container (.dockerignore may help)

Doing an out-of-source-tree build might also help. Even just printing a 
warning/error in case the repository has already been configured might be good 

> 3. Where should we put container files and how should we name them?

Maybe just a subdirectory `container` and within that one subdirectory for 
each container.

> Also, for developing tests, it may be better to build the LTP outside
> of a container then copy in the files.

How would you do that? Relevant container-specific dependencies such as musl 
are within the container. One had to expose the container's filesystem tree 
somewhere in the regular filesystem and had to use that as prefix. That doesn't 
seem like an easy way of doing things.

By the way, to develop "[PATCH v1] Skip cgroup-related tests if `/sys/fs/
cgroup` readonly" I simply started on a fresh Alpine container, invoked our CI 
script for installing dependencies, followed the build instructions from the 
README, committed the container for later use and then just continued 
developing within the container as usual. (I was still using my editor from 
outside the container. So the clangd integration still assumed glibc headers. 
Maybe one could expose the container's filesystem on the host and change 
include paths via `.clangd` to prefer musl headers from within the container.)

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