[LTP] [PATCH V3] lib: multiply the max_runtime if detect slow kconfigs

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Dec 19 14:10:31 CET 2024

> We have plenty of tests which keep looping until they run out of runtime 
> and then automatically stop. These tests are not at risk of timing out 
> and this patch only makes them run 3 times longer than necessary.
> I'd recommend temporarily reverting this patch and adding it back with a 
> new tst_test flag to identify tests which exit when runtime expires.

Sounds like we need to have two different runtime values in the tests,
max_runtime which is the timeout for the test and just runtime which is
for how long will the test loop.

And for the test that loop for a given runtime the max_runtime would be
automatically set to the runtime in the test library.

Cyril Hrubis

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