[LTP] [PATCH 2/3] tst_fuzzy_sync: ingnore test result if loop termination occurs

Li Wang liwang@redhat.com
Sun Dec 22 08:51:01 CET 2024

This patch updates the behavior of tst_fuzzy_sync tests to address
scenarios where test results may be unreliable due to resource constraints.

Specifically, if pair->exit is set (indicating exceeded loop termination),
the test result is ignored, and a TCONF status is returned. This ensures
invalid results are not falsely reported as failures or successes.

  tst_fuzzy_sync.h:654: TINFO: Exceeded execution loops, requesting exit
  /lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync02.c:164: TFAIL: 2| =:15

Signed-off-by: Li Wang <liwang@redhat.com>
 lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync01.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync02.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync01.c b/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync01.c
index d510bd2dd..c8c195859 100644
--- a/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync01.c
+++ b/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync01.c
@@ -212,10 +212,31 @@ static void run(unsigned int i)
 		if (critical > 100) {
+			tst_atomic_store(0, &pair.exit);
+	/*
+	 * If `pair->exit` is true, the test may fail to meet expected
+	 * results due to resource constraints in shared CI environments
+	 * (e.g., GitHub Actions). Limited control over CPU allocation
+	 * can cause delays or interruptions in CPU time slices due to
+	 * contention with other jobs.
+	 *
+	 * Binding the test to a single CPU core (e.g., via `taskset -c 0`)
+	 * can worsen this by increasing contention, leading to performance
+	 * degradation and premature loop termination.
+	 *
+	 * To ensure valid and reliable results in scenarios (e.g., HW, VM, CI),
+	 * it is best to ingore test result when loop termination occurs,
+	 * avoiding unnecessary false postive.
+	 */
+	if (pair.exit) {
+		tst_res(TCONF, "Test may not be able to generate a valid result");
+		return;
+	}
 	tst_res(critical > 50 ? TPASS : TFAIL,
 		"acs:%-2d act:%-2d art:%-2d | =:%-4d -:%-4d +:%-4d",
 		a.critical_s, a.critical_t, a.return_t,
diff --git a/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync02.c b/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync02.c
index f95394371..ad19a675e 100644
--- a/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync02.c
+++ b/lib/newlib_tests/tst_fuzzy_sync02.c
@@ -192,10 +192,31 @@ static void run(unsigned int i)
 		if (critical > 100) {
+			tst_atomic_store(0, &pair.exit);
+	/*
+	 * If `pair->exit` is true, the test may fail to meet expected
+	 * results due to resource constraints in shared CI environments
+	 * (e.g., GitHub Actions). Limited control over CPU allocation
+	 * can cause delays or interruptions in CPU time slices due to
+	 * contention with other jobs.
+	 *
+	 * Binding the test to a single CPU core (e.g., via `taskset -c 0`)
+	 * can worsen this by increasing contention, leading to performance
+	 * degradation and premature loop termination.
+	 *
+	 * To ensure valid and reliable results in scenarios (e.g., HW, VM, CI),
+	 * it is best to ingore test result when loop termination occurs,
+	 * avoiding unnecessary false postive.
+	 */
+	if (pair.exit) {
+		tst_res(TCONF, "Test may not be able to generate a valid result");
+		return;
+	}
 	tst_res(critical > 50 ? TPASS : TFAIL, "%d| =:%-4d", i, critical);

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