[LTP] [PATCH v5] Add stat04 test

Andrea Cervesato andrea.cervesato@suse.com
Tue Jul 2 15:30:01 CEST 2024


yes I got lost in the code and missed the point. I think I need more sleep..
Thanks for the reply,


On 7/2/24 15:26, Cyril Hrubis wrote:
> Hi!
>> This test is basically a clone of the lstat03 test. I'm wondering if it
>> makes sense to have both, when we already have that one.
> You are stil missing the point of this test, the end result we expect is
> different for stat() and lstat(). The point I'm trying to make is that
> we should:
> 1. Make sure that as many attributes are diffent for the symlink and the
>     symlink target for *both* stat() and lstat() tests, since if they are
>     not made different the test does results are not conclusive at all
> 2. For stat() you should get same result on the file and symlink since
>     stat actually follows the symlink then gets the data
> 3. For lstat() you should get different result on the file and symlink
>     since lstat() *does not* follow the symlink before it gets the data

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