[LTP] [Automated-testing] [RFC PATCH 1/3] runltp: Deprecate, add info about kirk

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Mon Jul 8 11:26:56 CEST 2024

Hi Cyril, Andrea,

> Hi!
> > I did a talk at SUSE Labs conference when I tried to explain when we are
> > heading and it was recorded, unfortunately it wasn't uploaded to youtube
> > yet, I will post the link here once it's there.

> And it's finally uploaded:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1ImuNr9Oxo

Great. As I wrote It'd be great to summarize kirk + ltx architecture in LTP docs.
For the start it could be just a very short article + link to this video.

FYI there are some Debian users who would appreciate have kirk published via
pypi, see Anders's effort:

(Probably better to move related discussion to the ticket.)

Kind regards,

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