[LTP] [Automated-testing] [RFC PATCH 1/3] runltp: Deprecate, add info about kirk

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Jun 11 10:42:38 CEST 2024

> > No, but it provides something better than that: a JSON file that can be
> > easily parsed by most of the libraries out there.
> > kirk can be literally used as it is runltp, with difference of python
> > dependency. If you have python, you can run kirk on
> > host as well as on target. All features like Qemu, LTX, SSH (etc.)
> > supports are meant to be used by host only.
> The python dependency is unfortunate.  In Fuego, we have carefully
> avoided any dependencies on the target other than those that can
> be provided by busybox (or toybox or toolbox).  This includes limiting all
> test programs to either native binaries or shell scripts using  just POSIX
> shell features.
> It sounds like kirk won't be useful to my project.

I guess that it has been cleared up in the rest of thread but let me
repeat the point here. The python code is not supposed to be run on the
device under test, you can do that but it's suboptimal.

The ltx is the minimalistic tool that should run on the device under
test and that needs only libc and some kind of byte oriented connection
to the kirk runnig elsewhere.

I would say that the desing is sound, the implementation needs to be
finished to make it production ready. However we will not remove runltp
until kirk is 100% functional and tested in our production.

Cyril Hrubis

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