[LTP] open_posix_testsuite: Replace old -W commandline argument

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Wed May 15 11:51:37 CEST 2024


>    Thanks all for your help and patience with a LTP newbie.

yw :).

>    Now, OpenWatcom (with my patched owcc frontend) passes >1100 tests
>    and more work on the OpenWatcom POSIX runtime can be done

Always interested to see who is using LTP.

>    (a big OW issue: "aio.h" and the related implementation is missing)

glibc and musl IMHO support aio.h unconditionally.  If you're using uclibc or
uclibc-ng, you need UCLIBC_HAS_REALTIME [1]. But below you mentioned glibc.

Kind regards,

[1] https://cgit.uclibc-ng.org/cgi/cgit/uclibc-ng.git/tree/extra/Configs/Config.in#n1166

>    ---
>    Testing with another Compiler on my system:
>    Using the Open Posix Testsuite with TinyC and the system installed glibc
>    gives one failed test.
>    This is the same result as using gcc.

>    -----
>    When someone has a working setup for "git-send-email" with "[1]web.de",
>    please let me know.
>    (I tried git-imap-send as fallback, but that only creates the draft mail.
>    A web login into the [2]web.de mail interface
>    with editing the draft mail and manually sending the patch
>    is needed afterwards)

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