[LTP] Regarding LTP testing on target hardware linux kernel 5.4.25 arm 32 bit

R Akshay Dharmapuri raghavendra.akshay@alifsemi.com
Fri Nov 29 11:36:29 CET 2024

Hi All,

Myself Akshay from Alif Semiconductor working on LTP(Linux Test Project).I am using environment-setup-cortexa32hf-neon-poky-linux-musleabi (Musl C) for our target board.
I wanted to enquire how to test LTP on Arm 32 architecture(board architecture).We are using linux kernel 5.4.25 to deploy onto the target hardware.

Wanted to enquire in the apis regarding running single tests :

cd testcases/kernel/syscalls/foo
$ make
$ PATH=$PATH:$PWD ./foo01

cd testcases/lib
$ make
$ cd ../commands/foo
$ PATH=$PATH:$PWD:$PWD/../../lib/ ./foo01.sh

The above folder foo is not present in syscalls and commands..Also wanted to enquire in process of running single tests. How does it test and difference between single running and installing all at once.

Thanks and Regards
Akshay Dharmapuri

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