[LTP] [PATCH] doc: add tests catalog page

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Mon Feb 3 14:16:52 CET 2025

> I also have a question: what test configuration keys should be seen in 
> the documentation tests list?
> I.e. needs_forks, needs_kconfigs, etc.

That's a good question. We should keep the information the tester is
interested in, however we should add too much either.

I guess that we want group the data somewhat like:

 - options (because command line options may be useful there)

 - min_kver, needs_kconfigs, min_cpus, needs_drivers, needs_cmds...
   (because it may describe why tests are skipped)

 - needs_cgroup_ctrls + cgroup knobs (for tests that use cgroups)

 - all_filesystems, skip_filesystems, filesystems

 - timeout, runtime         (here as well, run for longer)

 - needs_root      maybe?
 - needs_device    maybe?

Cyril Hrubis

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