[LTP] [PATCH v2] doc: add tests catalog page

Andrea Cervesato andrea.cervesato@suse.com
Wed Feb 5 10:57:48 CET 2025

Hi Petr,

I sent a followup message for the broken format after sending the v3 patch.

On 2/5/25 10:39, Petr Vorel wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> first, thanks for doing the migration.
> I haven't checked whether all necessary keys are shown (will do).
> It would be nice, if the keys (e.g. mount_device) were references, then user can
> click to the documentation.
I can check how to do that
> I'm also thinking that splitting tests by alphabet would help to have shorter
> page + not that long list of the tests on the left side. But for searching it's
> better to have all tests on a single page. WDYT?
That's quite a thing. It requires more code and I don't know how to do 
it honestly. It would be nice to push the patch and add this feature 
later on eventually.
> Kind regards,
> Petr

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