[LTP] [PATCH v2 0/5] configure.ac and make cleanup

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Thu Feb 6 16:34:30 CET 2025


TL;DR: Commits which fix CI are 1st and 4rd:

  doc/Makefile: Add dependency on metadata/ltp.json
  .github: ci-sphinx-doc: Run autotools and configure

If I don't get any feedback, I'll merge them tonight.
Other commits can wait.



Changes in v1:
* Remove virtualenv (Andrea)
* Rebase to put fixing commit first
* Further improve make clean pattern, remove unneded distclean patern
* Drop 2 patches which aren't important to fix CI
  - 8662c96207 ("configure: Ignore --with-{bash,python} knobs")
  - 98b6a63202 ("realtime: Document bash and python3 dependencies")

Link to v1:

Kind regards,

Petr Vorel (5):
  doc/Makefile: Add dependency on metadata/ltp.json
  doc/Makefile: Improve clean target
  doc: documentation.rst: Update build instructions
  .github: ci-sphinx-doc: Run autotools and configure
  configure: make: Add SPDX, update copyright

 .github/workflows/ci-sphinx-doc.yml |  9 +++++++--
 configure.ac                        |  3 +++
 doc/Makefile                        | 14 ++++++++++++--
 doc/developers/documentation.rst    |  8 ++++----
 include/mk/automake.mk              | 24 ++++--------------------
 include/mk/config-openposix.mk.in   |  2 ++
 include/mk/config.mk.in             | 23 +++--------------------
 include/mk/env_post.mk              | 25 ++++---------------------
 include/mk/env_pre.mk               | 26 ++++----------------------
 include/mk/features.mk.in           | 22 ++--------------------
 include/mk/functions.mk             | 25 ++++---------------------
 include/mk/generic_leaf_target.inc  | 24 ++++--------------------
 include/mk/generic_leaf_target.mk   | 24 ++++--------------------
 include/mk/generic_trunk_target.inc | 24 ++++--------------------
 include/mk/generic_trunk_target.mk  | 24 ++++--------------------
 include/mk/lib.mk                   | 27 ++++-----------------------
 include/mk/man.mk                   | 23 +++--------------------
 include/mk/module.mk                | 18 ++----------------
 include/mk/rules.mk                 |  3 +++
 include/mk/sparse.mk                |  2 ++
 include/mk/testcases.mk             | 22 ++--------------------
 21 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)


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