[LTP] [Open discussion] docparse handling

Andrea Cervesato andrea.cervesato@suse.com
Mon Feb 10 13:25:49 CET 2025

Hi all,

we just added a test catalog in the LTP documentation [1], but most of 
the tests are still using asciidoc as the main tests' description 
syntax. Obviously, we need to switch to RST [2] syntax, that is now used 
in the whole LTP documentation along with sphinx [3] support.

I would like to introduce a discussion on this topic, since I seen a few 
patches meant to adapt old tests' descriptions [4] into asciidoc and we 
don't really want to double our job. In particular:

- is [Description] tag still needed? Shall we use **Description** instead?
- shall we start to convert all tests' descriptions into asciidoc? If 
yes, how? Automatically or manually?

Best regards,
Andrea Cervesato

[2] https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html
[3] https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/index.html

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