[LTP] [PATCH v2 1/2] doc/Makefile: Allow to create and use .venv

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Wed Feb 12 13:50:13 CET 2025

> Hi!

> This somehow resolves the problem of not explicitly using virtualenv, but I
> have the impression that it has some critical issues.
> virtualenv is not part of the buildsystem, but it's an external tool that
> collect python packages and it's up to the developer using it or not, and
> this makes it optional.  By introducing it in the Makefile, we end up mixing
> things a little bit.

> Also, this patch complicates the Makefile, since we might need one command
> before running "make" (source our_venv/bin/activate) and two commands once
> in a while to create it (venv + pip).

> In short, I have the impression there's no additional value to the patch,
> but mostly an over-engineered Makefile :-)

Well, the additional value is obvious - help people to actually build docs.
I'm not sure how many people generated asciidoc{,tor} documentation, I suspect
not many due having to install tooling. That's why I'm trying to make it as easy
as possible. Sure, they can copy paste commands, but why when simple 'make
.venv' does it for you?

Also, if we even decide to generate offline docs formats, it will be needed to
add these commands to tools/create-tarballs-metadata.sh make sure anybody is
able to produce the release.

If this is not going to be accepted, I'll wrote my own script to do it (as I
often remove whole git tree as a cleanup).

Kind regards,

> Andrea

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