[LTP] [PATCH] lib: switch cgroup bit-fields from signed to unsigned int

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Fri Jan 24 12:19:57 CET 2025

> There is a problem in cgroup lib that the declearation int
> can lead to -1 during the | operation.
> Becasue if the field contains uninitialized garbage data,
> a bit-field declared as int could interpret 0b1 as -1 due
> to signed arithmetic.

Uff, so we have a number that can be either -1 or 0. Where did it break?
I suppose that things are okay as long as we do if (s->bar | s->bar).


Reviewed-by: Cyril Hrubis <chrubis@suse.cz>

Cyril Hrubis

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