[LUG] Research shows...we may have found the next Microsoft
Dom 3 Ago 2003 09:55:06 CEST
Are you open to looking at the documentation that shows we could be the next Microsoft?
The company I desire to present grew 3 times faster than Microsoft when ranked by the INC 500 listing of the fastest growing companies in the US.
Microsoft has created over 10,000 millionaires after 25 years in business. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1804&ncid=1804&e=2&u=/washpost/20030803/tc_washpost/a15231_2003aug2 10,000 people have become financially free through the Microsoft explosion. Identifying the next Microsoft is what everyone is attempting to do.
Microsoft hit $50 million in sales in 1984 it's 10th year in business. http://www.inc.com/magazine/19971015/1471.html
My company hit $285 million in sales in 2002 it's 10th year in business. Over 500% faster growth than Microsoft.
By 2006 my company is expected to be in over 30 countries and have revenues of over $2 billion in sales. That would be year 14.
Microsoft hit $2 billion in their 18th year. http://www.microsoft.com/msft/download/financialhistoryFY.xls
Lets see here. Fortune says deregulation is the next gold rush. My company has an 11 year track record of success that surpasses the greatest company in American business history and this company is still privately held.
Do you understand why I still lose sleep even after 3 years with this company!?!? I don't know what fear you are allowing to keep you from your destiny.....but it's simply time to get over it and make history with us!!!!!
Please visit www.myfutureisnow.com for more information. Thank you for allowing me the time to present this research. Take care.
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