[CB-lug] Fwd: aiutooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

overdrive overdrive@BitchX.it
Mar 6 Mar 2007 15:13:28 CET

On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 07:39:14PM +0200, angelo morrone wrote:
>    From: angelo morrone <angelomorr@gmail.com>
>    Date: 4-mar-2007 19.27
>    Subject: aiutooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>    To: lugcb@lists.linux.it

?!?! cos'e' un forward ?? :)

>    Salve a tutti io ho riscontrato un problema, ho collegato il
>    sintonizzatore al PC  e sembra che me lo riconosce ma in realtA  non posso
>    usarlo con kdetv o con motv ecc.. e non mi riesco a spiegare il perchA(c)?
>    questo A" quello che mi dice dmesg......
>    Linux version (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.1.2
>    20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)) #1 SMP Mon Nov 27 11:46:27 UTC 2006
>    usb 1-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
>    usb 1-6: new device found, idVendor=2304, idProduct=0208
>    usb 1-6: new device strings: Mfr=2, Product=1, SerialNumber=0
>    usb 1-6: Product: PCTV USB2 PAL/SECAM
>    usb 1-6: Manufacturer: Pinnacle Systems GmbH
>    usb 1-6: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
>    em28xx new video device (2304:0208): interface 0, class 255
>    em28xx #0: Alternate settings: 8
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 0, max size= 0
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 1, max size= 1024
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 2, max size= 1448
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 3, max size= 2048
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 4, max size= 2304
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 5, max size= 2580
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 6, max size= 2892
>    em28xx #0: Alternate setting 7, max size= 3072
>    saa7115 3-0025: saa7113 found @ 0x4a (em28xx #0)
>    tuner 3-0043: chip found @ 0x86 (em28xx #0)
>    tda9887 3-0043: tda988[5/6/7] found @ 0x43 (tuner)
>    tuner 3-0063: chip found @ 0xc6 (em28xx #0)
>    tuner 3-0063: type set to 37 (LG PAL (newer TAPC series))
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 00: 1a eb 67 95 04 23 08 02 10 00 1e 03 98 2a 6a 2e
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 10: 00 00 06 57 6e 00 00 00 8e 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 20: 16 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 30: 00 00 20 40 20 80 02 20 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 03 50 00 69 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 70: 6e 00 6e 00 61 00 63 00 6c 00 65 00 20 00 53 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 80: 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6d 00 73 00 20 00 47 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 90: 6d 00 62 00 48 00 00 00 2a 03 50 00 43 00 54 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom a0: 56 00 20 00 55 00 53 00 42 00 32 00 20 00 50 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom b0: 41 00 4c 00 2f 00 53 00 45 00 43 00 41 00 4d 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>    em28xx #0: i2c eeprom f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 22 17 38 02 80 e9 f8
>    EEPROM ID= 0x9567eb1a
>    Vendor/Product ID= 2304:0208
>    AC97 audio (5 sample rates)
>    500mA max power
>    Table at 0x06, strings=0x2a98, 0x2e6a, 0x0000
>    registered VBI
>    em28xx #0: V4L2 device registered as /dev/video0 and /dev/vbi0
>    em28xx #0: Found Pinnacle PCTV USB 2
>    em28xx audio device (2304:0208): interface 1, class 1
>    em28xx audio device (2304:0208): interface 2, class 1
>    usbcore: registered new driver snd-usb-audio
>    vi prego aiutatemi spero che qualcuno mi sappia dare una mano.
>    Grazie anticipatamente :-)

si, abbiamo capito che hai una penna usb "pinnacle PCTV", e che te la
riconosce, ma non abbiamo capito che cosa fai dopo che la inserisci!!!
Ti da errori il programma ?? se si quali ???
  Cyborg:~# kdetv 2>> errors.txt

Prova anche altri software tipo: aatv (che ti permette di guardare la
televisione in una console testuale).
Cerca di inviarci piu' informazioni possibili..

    Francesco Steno aka "oVERDRIVE"

Bill Gates: un uomo, un bug.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-generated by /dev/over-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
     GnuPG Public Key: http://cb.linux.it/lug/key/overdrive.asc 
  Key Fingerprint: 146A E13D 9E68 3B96 40FB  11F5 9A10 2D1F 3973 C203
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