[LUGDucale] Fwd: Minecraft server under beta testing.

fulvio.lugducale fulvio.lugducale@gmail.com
Lun 7 Apr 2014 17:43:35 CEST

Scusate.. questo e' quel gioco di cui si parlava all'ultimo incontro??

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: 	Minecraft server under beta testing.
Data: 	Sun, 06 Apr 2014 03:33:46 -0700
Mittente: 	Full Circle Magazine <lists@fullcirclemagazine.org>
Rispondi-a: 	Full Circle Magazine <lists@fullcirclemagazine.org>
A: 	fulvio.restelli@fastwebnet.it

It's official, we have a Minecraft sever. Well, /kinda/ official as I'm
still testing it, but it's definitely up and running!

If you'd like to help beta test it drop an email to
<mailto:ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org?subject=Minecraft_server> with
your Minecraft username and I'll add you to the whitelist and reply with
the login IP.

Basic rules: don't break peoples stuff, and don't steal peoples stuff.

*All the best!*

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Fulvio Restelli
Member of LUGDucale Vigevano

Skype:    fulviorestelliuff
MSN:    fulvio.restelli@fastwebnet.it
Linux User #486702
Ubuntu User #26518
Debian  7.2	(wheezy)	+ Lxde		on 2 Laptops
Xubuntu 12.04 	(Precise)	+ XFCE		on desktop
Crunchbang			+ Openbox	on desktop
Nas4free 9.0	Sleeping			on homemade NAS

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