[LUG-Ischia] Un nuovo TOOL per gestire il risparmio energetico su linux (ACPI e cpufreq, tra le altre cose)

Linux User Group Ischia info@lug-ischia.org
Sab 26 Feb 2005 21:07:02 CET

Ciao a tutti, sto lavorando a un nuovo tool per la gestione del
energetico (ACPI, cpufreq ecc) su linux, scusate l'inglese ma riporto
paro dal mio sito: 

WPD is a featureful deamon for Linux whose aim is to allow an easy
management of the cpufreq frequency scaling capabilties of modern
AMD and similar CPUs and an easy reading of ACPI data. WPD is under
and heavy development but it is quite stable, what i need is more
people to
test it with different hardware configurations and help in the
process (specially in the plugin business because i am no good in

Capabilities and functionalities:
#  Completely idle daemon (no background activity if not requested)
# Autoconfigures itself at startup with available supported
# Support for configuration via /etc file
# Uses Linux 2.6 cpufreq
# Retrieve ac status
# Check if battery is installed
# Retrieve battery remaining capacity
# Retrieve battery discharge rate
# Retrieve battery maximum capacity
# Retrieve cpu current frequency
# Retrieve cpu current frequency governor
# Support for ASUS 4 ACPI extensions
# Turn ON/OFF lcd only, external display only, both displays
# Calculate time left when in battery mode
# Retrieve the CPU (thermal zone) temperature
# Set cpu desired governor (powersave, performance, ondemand)
# Comes with a easy to use library
# Includes a Gkrellm2 plugin
# Includes a Xfce4 panel plugin (xfce 4.2.0)
# Retrieve complete list of available CPU frequencies
# Present a visual alert when battery is empty (Gkrellm2 and Xfce4
# Collect many ACPI related data and present them with unified

Il sito ufficiale è:

Il codice è in CVS su cvs.berlios.de, project name wpd modulename

La mailinglist ufficiale è wpd <at> gardiol.org (non richiede
iscrizione, ma
si può fare scrivendo a wpd-subscribe <at> gardiol.org). 

Se qualcuno ha voglia di darlgi una occhiata, dare usggerimenti,
sperimentare bachi, dar eun contributo di codice... è il benvenuto! 


Willy Gardiol
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