[Primipassi] dove salva le mail thunderbird

fabio nigi nigifabio@gmx.it
Mer 4 Gen 2006 14:45:27 CET

Hash: SHA1

simone wrote:
> Salve,
> vorrei sapere dove vengono salvate le mail di thunderbird in modo da
> potermi fare uno script che mi salva in automatico l`intera direttori
> come bekup.


in parole povere:

It's possible to move the location of a profile folder. This could be
useful if you have a backed up profile folder somewhere on your hard
drive and want to tell Thunderbird to use that as your profile. This
section explains how to do this.

   1. Shut down Thunderbird completely (File > Exit).
   2. Move the profile folder to the desired location. For example, on
Windows, move the profile from C:\Documents and
Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default to D:\Stuff\MyMailProfile. If
you are reading these instructions because you want to restore a
previously backed up profile, this step isn't necessary. Just note the
current location of the profile you want to restore.
   3. Open up profiles.ini in a text editor. The file is located in the
application data folder for Thunderbird:
          * On Windows XP/2000, the path is %AppData%\Thunderbird\
          * On Windows 95/98/Me, the path is usually
C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Thunderbird\
          * On Linux, the path is ~/.thunderbird/
          * On Mac OS X, the path is ~/Library/Application
   4. In profiles.ini, locate the entry for the profile you've just
moved. Change the Path= line to the new location.
   5. Change IsRelative=1 to IsRelative=0.
   6. Save profiles.ini and restart Thunderbird.

© 2002-2005 David Tenser.

> grazie mile del aiuto
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